Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The more I read everyone's blog the more I realize how technologically-challenged I am. I have a digital camera and I take lots of photos with it...but don't ask me how they get out of that little box. I have an MP3 player and have downloaded one "This American Life" episode from December but by the time I get it to play on my radio....had to buy this converter thing from Radio Shack....I only get to hear the first few minutes because I am usually fumbling with the wires and realizing that I am going to crash my car because I am too distracted.
So I do appreciate technology....especially the internet because it is the only way to plan a trip or find a great recipe or read mindless material on the celebrity of the week or watch You tube videos.....yeah I really like that, especially the ones my daughter sends me with weird or cute cats in them....now I am not only sounding technologically-challenged, but stupid.
Hooray for technology.....it keeps me amused, fed, and enlightened.