Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Feeling Creative

I love changing colors and fonts in my fact I do it a few times a day. Makes me feel like an artist. Who knew that blogging would bring me closer to Mary Cassatt?

A photo worth sharing

My daughter Emily is part of Engineers without Borders at UMD. Their project was to bring water from a mountain stream to a remote village close to the Burma border. The villagers, professional engineers and students completed most of the project in early June and here is the result. A wonderful reminder of the good that is being created in our world. talking to me?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The more I read everyone's blog the more I realize how technologically-challenged I am. I have a digital camera and I take lots of photos with it...but don't ask me how they get out of that little box. I have an MP3 player and have downloaded one "This American Life" episode from December but by the time I get it to play on my radio....had to buy this converter thing from Radio Shack....I only get to hear the first few minutes because I am usually fumbling with the wires and realizing that I am going to crash my car because I am too distracted.

So I do appreciate technology....especially the internet because it is the only way to plan a trip or find a great recipe or read mindless material on the celebrity of the week or watch You tube videos.....yeah I really like that, especially the ones my daughter sends me with weird or cute cats in I am not only sounding technologically-challenged, but stupid.

Hooray for keeps me amused, fed, and enlightened.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Time to Play...Please

Hmmmm....I would say that "beginning with end in mind" would be my greatest challenge. Sometimes the end I think I am working towards changes along the way and I meander off the path. Easiest is play.....I think we all need more of that in our life.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Journey of a thousand miles......

Me blogging? Brings me back to the old diary days when the only thing that prevented my brother from reading my entries was that incredibly secure lock on my little pink plastic repository of my most private reflections. But here goes.....